Today is an absolute brilliant fall day once again. After snow for the better part of last week, I am not complaining in the least. Hopefully I'll be able to get some climbing in this week. I'm shooting for Thursday right now, but we'll see. To all you fellow college students out there, I want to say hang in there. The semester is over halfway done and Thanksgiving will be here in less than three weeks.
I guess today is Halloween. I never was a Halloween fan. It used to creep me out, but I think I just don't care now. I try to stay away from all the scary stuff. I spend too much time in the woods. That's the last thing I need--Texas chainsaw man running around in my head while I'm zipped up in my bivvy trying to get some sleep in the good 'ol outdoors.
God is good, Amen? I was bored in one of my classes today and just randomly started reading about the crucifixion in Luke. I found it amazing how the disciples failed to believe that Jesus actually had resurrected from the dead. Then I thought to myself, I probably would have did the same thing. How many times do I live my life in such a way that I fail to have faith. How many times do I doubt that He will truly answer my prayers. Far too many!
This is a picture of my shadow that I took on the hike that I went on yesterday in the Gorge.