Well glory! Greetings from Colorado where the skies are blue and the mountains are huge. I have now been out here for one week and things are going well. God has been stretching me and teaching me things that are rocking my world. It was a bit of an adventure in getting out here, but God is in control and I arrived right on time at 8AM in the morning to begin training. We hit the trail right away and had five marvelous days of backpacking in the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado.
God has blessed us with a great staff who are excited to be here and I know that I can't wait to start the ministry with the campers. I feel very focused at this time and I feel that God is going to do big things through Redcloud. Be in prayer that we keep the faith and don't give up!
To end with a spiritual note, I was reading Isaiah's vision the other day and this verse stuck out to me. Isaiah 6:7 says the following: "And he touched my mouth and said: 'Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for." What a promise! We no longer stand condemned before God. He has taken away all of our guilt and His sacrifice has atoned for our sins! Praise God. I pray that this finds you all well and I'll keep you updated this summer on all that God is doing