Matthew 5:3 says the following: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." The word for poor used in this verse is the same word used of Lazarus the beggar in the parable with the rich man. It entails complete spiritual poverty. Beggars during the days in which this gospel was written would crouch in the corner with an outstretched hand and they were so destitute and embarrassed that they would often cover their faces with their other hand. They were totally dependent on others for their entire sustenance. Another word for poor used in the gospels is that of the woman who donated her two small coins. Although she was poor, she still had something to contribute. I feel it is very interesting that our Messiah chose to compare us with Lazarus. We are nothing in and of ourselves. We're nothing more than spiritual beggars crouching in the corner. Our entire sustenance must come from God. True spiritual growth must begin with this foundational premise. It's only when we acknowledge that we can do nothing in and of ourselves and that God is the One who gives us the ability to minister for His name can we truly begin the sanctifying process of being molded and conformed into the image of our Creator. Yesterday I was reading Psalm 86 and I found it very interesting that David begins with acknowledging His needy position. He says the following: "Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy." This was in the midst of David's life in which he was running from many ruthless and insolent men who had risen against him. He began his prayer with stating the fact that he was poor and needy.
It's only when you get to this point that God can truly begin to build you into the image of His Son. May this be my prayer!