Yes, I have been accused of being a blogaholic. I won't mention any names (Gabe), but what's not to love about having your own blog where all your buddies can check in to not only see cool pics, but also read your chronicles of what's going on in your life. So, if you don't have a blog, you need to get one!
I had a good lunch today with one of my good friends, Chris. We went to Subway and got into a fairly good discussion. I will say this unashamedly, I am not a Fundamentalist. When I hear the word it makes me cringe. Why is this? I agree doctrinely with them for the most part, but when it comes to methodology and philosphy of ministry, I believe we're far apart. The Fundamentalist movement I believe was sincere when it was originally conceived. You know, let's get back to the fundamentals of the faith, etc. But somewhere along the line something has gone terribly wrong. They have totally lost and forgotten the fact that there is a relational aspect to the gospel. Rather than taking the time to actually get to know the "lost" and "outcast" of our society, they hand them a track, smile, brush off their suit, get back in their Cadilac or Mercedes, and drive away smiling. Now they have something they can share with everyone back at church during testimony time. All the while, if that very person would walk into their assembly, they would be appalled.
I've worked at a restaurant off and on for five and a half years. If you go into any restaurant and ask the servers the most dreaded shift of the week, I guarantee that most of them will say Sunday morning, and it's not because they're hung over. The "Christians" come in after church and they are some of the rudest people and worst tippers of the entire week. What does this say about "Christianity". Most servers that are not believers will never pick up their Bible or go to church. The very people that should be representing Christ with their lives will run up a $50+ tab, complain about every little detail, leave you a dollar for a tip, and then they have the audacity to leave a track on the table. No wonder Christians leave a sour taste in people's mouths. And this is just one example of many where Christ is blatantly mis-represented to the unbelieving world. If we are to be Christ's ambassador's and reprsent Him and His cause on the earth why are we not fulfilling our purpose? I cannot blame anyone who views Christianity in such a bad light!
I am not perfect and I do love my Fundamentalist brothers, but come on. Where is the love? Where is the compassion? Let's get back to the basics of the gospel--Love Adonai with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. It's that simple!
I should be climbing tomorrow at Summersville Lake if all goes as planned. Hopefully I'll have some pix for everyone.