My day begain at 5:15 AM this morning. I am very tired as I write this, but I wanted to let everyone know that my climbing plans came to fruition today. I enjoyed a solid four hours of climbing at Bubba City in the New River Gorge--three routes total. But, the good news is that I am no longer a virgin when it comes to sport climbing. I successfully led my first sport climb. Name: Microbrew; Rating: 5.5; Bolts: 5. There's no shame in my game. It may not be the most technichal climb in the world, but I did onsight it. I didn't even take a whipper (that would be embarrassing--on a 5.5, yikes). We'll have to see where my climbing career will go from here on. I just wish I had more time to hit the crags. It seems like I'm in college, working, and go to chruch every week. Who knew?
Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed my time out today with friends. Friends are such a blessing from God. Never take them for granted. I never had any brothers growing up, so I consider my closest friends to be brothers to me.
I had an encouraging talk tonight with my good friend Sam. We discussed about our desire to be a better witness to all we meet and come into contact with. It's about taking the time to truly get to know people and see them through Christ's eyes. After all, we the believers are His eyes here on this earth. We are His hands. We are called to represent Him. Now that just blows my Chacos off! Out of everything He could have chosen to represent Him from His creation, He chose us to do the job. That is a High Calling! So, I want to challenge you to do the same. Start to view people not for who they are but for what potential they have in Christ. The bottom line is we longer stand condemned before God. We are forgiven, redeemed, bought back from the slave market of sin. We can only experience true freedom in Christ. We have what the unbelieving world needs and craves. A relationship with our Maker. I pray that I will be faithful in this calling and I hope that you will do the same.
It's late now, but I promised you some climbing pix. I'll upload them to an album and post the link in the near future. Lilah Tov!

1 comment:
How about posting some definitions for all the climbing lingo. Tell all the boys up in beckley that I said hi.
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