Once again, a beutiful day here in WV. I'm feeling guilty about complaining about the snow last week. If I only knew what was in store this week. Anyways, the oddest thing happend to me today at school. I go to leave and get into my car and I cannot locate my keys anywhere. I ended up re-tracing every step that I took from the time I arrived until I had decided to leave. Post office, classroom (SC301), library, SubServient Center, Anderson Hall, cafeteria--still no keys. At this point I am just "pissed" at myself. How does someone come to school and loose their keys. Not only did I lose my keys, but I also forgot my cell phone today, so I couldn't even call my mom to let her know what was going on. To make a short story shorter, I gave the post office one more shot. Sure enough, my keys were lying on the counter. Apparently I had left them in my mail box and someone had turned them in. Thanks to whoever found them. You could taken my folk's car for a spin, free of charge.
Here's another picture of the world famous New River Gorge bridge that I took on my hike the other day. If all goes as planned, I'll be climbing in 48 hours. Cross my fingers!

1 comment:
Hey! Yeah, I know what you mean abotu the weather last week. I'm hoping to camp out this weekend if something else isn't going on. So long time no see! I hope all is going well. You can check out my xanga sight june17bride if you like. But i've gotta go for now. catch ya later! ~Lindsey
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