So, there's been a lot in the news lately about this whole "Christmas" vs. "Holiday" tree controversy. I think both sides are off their rocker. Does it really matter? After all (I may step on a few toes here, so, sorry if I offend you. Please forgive me?) Christmas technically is a man-made "holiday" that replaced a pagan holiday where they worshiped the sun god around the winter solstice. And, let's see here now. Is there really a decorated tree in the Bible? I wonder where this tradition even came from. I mean, I'm all for the tree, I have one in my home, but it just seems petty to be arguing over what to call the stinkin' thing. The "Christians" say their trying to take Christ out the season etc. Then you have the PC crowd that wants to include all Holidays during this season. Here's the bottom line. I know what I believe. I do celebrate my Savior's birth and I'm all for Christmas. It just seems futile to be arguing over a stupid tree. It's a plant for crying out loud, and most of them are fake!
There's ample evidence that points to Christ being born during Succot (Feast of Tabernacles) which would make sense, but that's a whole other topic. So, whether you celebrate Channukah (which is very fun), or Christmas, or Kwanzaa, just remember--it's a tree for goodness sake!
1 comment:
Right on man. We get so caught up on such petty things. We become such products of our society and commercialism. Thank You for the reminder to not be that way, as well as your reminder from your previous post about being a nomad for real, as a christian. I needed that re-inforced. God bless you my friend! I'm thankful for you.
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