
The Gorge.........This is WV! Posted by Picasa


My sister Michelle and her boyfriend Matt at the NRG.
 Posted by Picasa


Answered Prayers and Rantings About WV...

I want to begin by thanking everyone for your prayers. They are very much appreciated. My dad is doing well and should get to come home in the next couple of days. They found a blood clot in his lungs on Sunday and put him on blood thinner. It's a good thing they found it too. The doctor said if they hadn't found it, it could have very easily killed him. It's ironic because he didn't even go to the ER for that reason. His blood pressure medication was causing fluid to build up in his ankles and the doctor decided to run one more test and that's when they found the clot. So, I can see how God protected him from certain death. I'm thankful that we have such an awesome God.

My family will continue to need prayer. My dad will have to be out of work for at least two months because he can't be on his feet for more than two hours at a time. They are also testing to see if the blood clot was hereditary in which case he could never return to work. So, pray that the Lord provides for my parent's needs during this time. Also my oldest sister is flying in tomorrow night from Massachusetts. It will be good to see her. Pray for her safety.

Other than all that jazz that's going on, life is good! I've been working my little "backside" off if you know what I mean. This is typically one of the busiest weeks of the year. Ski season is in full swing and we have massive amounts of travelers. Good times, let the business flow, Amen?

Tomorrow I'm going to Fayetteville with my sister and her boyfriend Matt. We're going to get coffee and I'm going to check out some gear at the shop. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll talk them into taking a winter hike. There should be some waterfalls freezing soon and some snow left on the ground. Makes for a great picture. I just really love the Gorge. It will always hold a special place in my heart. To me, that is WV! They even put it on the back of our quarter for crying out loud (and yes, WV finally has their own quarter). It cracks me up because a lot of people don't even know that WV is a state. They think we're a part of VA. I don't know how many times I've had to stop and explain to people: "I'm not from "western" VA, I'm from WV". It's really annoying! Don't people take geography in high school or elementary school for that matter. Now don't get me wrong, I do love VA as well, but WV will always be from where I hale (I think that's how you spell hale; or is it hail; I know it's not hell, at least I hope not). To all my fellow WV compatriots, we have an awesome state! So, get out and see what you have here. I know that most of you that read this actually do take advantage of it. I get so excited when I'm climbing or hiking and I actually meet a native WVian. It's pretty rare!


One to Remember!

Merry Christmas to all! This has been one Christmas to remember. Let's see, where to begin? I worked a ten hour shift yesterday from 12PM until 10PM. We were slow all day until right around seven o'clock, one hour before we closed. So, that meant I had to stay late until everything was cleaned up. On top of that, my dad was admitted into the hospital during the evening due to swelling in his feet and some heaviness in his chest.

Christmas Day:

The doctor came and saw my dad and said he was good to go home and that he was just going to switch around some of his meds. In the process of all this, one of his tests came back positive for a possible blood clot, so, he gets to spend the rest of Christmas day in the hospital. It's been me and my sis at home going intermittently to the hospital off and on all day to visit my parents. We haven't even got to open presents and our "Christmas Dinner" consisted of pizza bread we bought at Rite Aide because they were the only place open. This is definitely one to remember. So, to everyone out there, please pray for my dad and family and pray he gets to come home soon.

Love you all! And Merry Christmas! (Oh yeah, it's rainy and gloomy here today as well) ;o)


Andy toasting to a cup of Joe (God's gift to man), L'chaim! Posted by Picasa

Matt and Caroline saying the vows. Posted by Picasa

Jimmy (aka the best man) sportin' a pose. Posted by Picasa

Haskel posing for the camera. Posted by Picasa

Kenny giving the thumbs up. Posted by Picasa

Caleb and Myself Posted by Picasa

Mary (Brent's girlfriend); Rebecca (Tommy's wife); and Emily (Andy's wife). Posted by Picasa

Haskel and Gabe enjoying a little bubbly bubbly (aka sparkling cider). Posted by Picasa


The crew! Need I say more? Posted by Picasa

Me and the groom (Matt). Congrats! Posted by Picasa

Haskel and Gabe at the reception! Posted by Picasa

The bearded wonders--Andy, Kenny, and Tommy. Posted by Picasa

Andy and I hangin' out! Good to see you buddy! Posted by Picasa

Our friend Elmer works at a cheese factory in Ohio. He snagged cheese for the past two weeks to keep the tradition alive. We had swiss, colby, pepper jack, lacy baby swiss, baby swiss, muenster, and sharp cheddar. This is Caleb saying cheese (pun intended).
 Posted by Picasa

Caleb and Tommy hanging out before the wedding. Posted by Picasa

Elmer with his girlfriend Mary. Posted by Picasa

Me, Tommy, and Gabe. Posted by Picasa



The Truth will set you free indeed! I no longer stand in condemnation before my God and Master! He has forgiven me of all my sin--past, present, and future! I am no longer in bondage to this force we call sin! I am a new creature! I am restored back to what I was originally created for--to glorify and reflect God's glory! He continues to chip away every area of my life that is not like Christ, until one day when I stand before Him, I will be like Him! I am a citizen of heaven! He chooses not to view me for what I am here on this earth (aka a sinful human being), rather He sees Christ in me and for who I will be some day when I stand before Him. I have a mission! I have been commissioned by Him to live my life in such a way that represents Him to the unbelieving world! "Go into all the world and preach the gospel". This is a high calling, but how many times do I misrepresent Him? How many times do I allow my pride get in the way of the opportunities presented to me each day to share my faith? How many people will I have to look in the face with tears in my eyes and with no excuse tell them I'm sorry for not telling them the answer to why they had a void in their life that nothing would fill? How many souls have I let slip away without taking the time to go out of my way to build a relationship with the outcasts? I am guilty, guilty, guilty! Every day I allow these opportunities to slip out of sight and I blatantly misrepresent Christ to these souls I encounter! Do I really believe that every knee will bow before God? What am I doing to really make a difference? Jesus loved me so much that He was willing to experience separation from His Father or Abba for the first and only time in His eternal essence and being. My sin was laid on Him and He paid the price for my soul with His blood. The least I can do is give my life to Him fully! Go wherever He wants me to go! Do whatever He wants me to do! Maybe it means I will go without the luxuries of a good paying job! Maybe I will have to suffer physically or be ridiculed publicly! But so be it! "Whoever desires to live godly will be persecuted!" That's a promise! I am a man who has lived for twenty-three years without fully giving every area of my life to Him! I worry about things that I shouldn't worry about! How many times do I pray without faith? How many times do I read the Bible not really believing that God is speaking to me? I have a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe! I can "come boldly before His throne" anytime I please! That's a privilege that many of the Old Testament prophets, priests, and patriarchs didn't have! Better yet, His Spirit lives within me! I am commanded to be filled with the Spirit! The very Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives within me! Why do I doubt? Please, God, give me faith! Give me passion! But most of all, give me a desire to love! I cannot help but be drawn to you! The more I know you, the more I don't understand! But at the same time, I cannot help but stand in amazement that you love me! And I "know" that you present to me so many opportunities to represent this love to others! But I choose to spit in your faith and abuse the grace that you have given me so freely! God forbid! But for some reason, you continually draw me back to you! Everytime I give into the passions of men, you stand ready to receive me back into your arms with outstretched hands showing me the scars! Need I see more? You took upon yourself the punishment that I should have received! I should be damned to spend an eterninity in Hell! You chose to experience the separation from God for a temporary time so that I would not have to spend an eternity in separation paying for the debt that I rightfully owed! I don't understand! This blows my mind! What can I ever do to repay you! Even my "righteousness is as filthy rags"! I cannot possibly earn favor with you! It's futile! There's only one thing that I can do! Take what you have given me and live my life in such a way that other's can see You living in me! There's nothing in me that is worthy! But you are worthy! You chose to come to this earth so that I could catch but a glimpse of what it is to love my brothers and sisters, outcasts and sinners! You showed me what it meant to speak to a known whore at a well and have the courage to open your mouth and proclaim to her that only You can satisfy and to go and sin no more! You showed me what it meant to be accused of being a "wine-bibber" and a friend of sinners! You took the time to get to know these souls! You saw them not for who they were, but for who they would become complete in your love! You showed me what it means to surround yourself around a group of believers who were committed to Your cause--the Gospel! You showed me what it meant to weep and cry over souls that would not accept you, and a dear friend that had died! You showed me what it means to be beaten to a bloody pulp, stripped naked, spit on, humiliated, nailed to a tree, but ultimately proclaim--"Abba, forgive them, for they know not what they do!". Just as God made His appeal through Christ, You are making your appeal to man through me and the body of Christ! I cannot do this on my own, but You are continually taking me by the hand and showing me that I am not alone. You have given me parents and a family who have taught me to love You and Your Word! You have given me friends devoted to You and Your cause and like "iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." I believe that You have given me a wife someday that will be devoted to You and Your cause and together we will be commited to growing closer to You and what You have! You have given me time! Precious time to take each second and make it sacred to take what is temporal and turn into the eternal! I am on this earth to impress no one! I am only here to be vessel in Your hands and accomplish what You have, so that one day or moment I can stand before you and here you say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant! Enter now into the joy of the Lord!" As I continue to live this paradox called life, may this forever be my prayer, Amen!


It's only a tree...

So, there's been a lot in the news lately about this whole "Christmas" vs. "Holiday" tree controversy. I think both sides are off their rocker. Does it really matter? After all (I may step on a few toes here, so, sorry if I offend you. Please forgive me?) Christmas technically is a man-made "holiday" that replaced a pagan holiday where they worshiped the sun god around the winter solstice. And, let's see here now. Is there really a decorated tree in the Bible? I wonder where this tradition even came from. I mean, I'm all for the tree, I have one in my home, but it just seems petty to be arguing over what to call the stinkin' thing. The "Christians" say their trying to take Christ out the season etc. Then you have the PC crowd that wants to include all Holidays during this season. Here's the bottom line. I know what I believe. I do celebrate my Savior's birth and I'm all for Christmas. It just seems futile to be arguing over a stupid tree. It's a plant for crying out loud, and most of them are fake!

There's ample evidence that points to Christ being born during Succot (Feast of Tabernacles) which would make sense, but that's a whole other topic. So, whether you celebrate Channukah (which is very fun), or Christmas, or Kwanzaa, just remember--it's a tree for goodness sake!


Why I am a Nomadic Soul

I was browsing the net earlier today when I came across a very interesting messianic Jewish site. I found a meditation that referred to Psalm 39:12b which states the following: "For I am a sojourner with you, a guest, like all my fathers." Now, to us in our modern American English dialect, this may not sound like much. One has to dig a bit deeper to gain a glimpse of the Hebrew connotation of this verse. In Hebrew the word for sojourner (ger) implys that one is passing through like a tourist. The other word (toshav) implys that one is a resident, settler, or citizen. Now this is a paradox. How can one be a toursist (visitor) and a resident (citizen) at the same time? How can one "pass through" a place he is said to dwell? This doesn't make much sense initially. But think about it for a moment. I will quote the site on the following:

This paradox means "understanding that the changes of life are the medium for that which is eternal and abiding. We neither detach from life nor cling to it, but live in the mediation of time and eternity. Every moment of life is therefore made sacred, since it is the occasion to transform the temporal into the eternal.

Like a stranger, the ger v’toshav holds on to things lightly, yet at the same time is passionately committed to them as a gift from God. He is both infinitely resigned and infinitely engaged in life, since he understands that all of life is ordered to ultimately reveal the glory of God. He dies to this present world and is resurrected in the undying life of God.

If we are given grace to answer the call of Jesus to 'take up our cross,' we presently become ger v’toshav. As gerim, we confess that we are strangers in this present world, but as toshavim we believe that our labors are not in vain, and that our true citizenship is in heaven.

We must die in order to live." http://www.hebrew4christians.com/
That my friends is what this life is all about. Seize the opportunities that Christ gives you on a daily basis! As the quote in Gladiator goes, "What you do in this life echoes in eternity." This is the Gospel! Realizing that we are here to glorify God and represent Him and His cause to the unbelieving world. Don't get attached to this world, but at the same time take advantage of the opportunities God gives you daily to prove your love for Him.

I hope I didn't bore you with this Hebrew lesson, but this struck me to the core of my beliefs. This is why I am a nomadic soul. I am a stranger on this earth, but I have been commisioned by my God and Master to represent Him to an unbelieving world and the choices I make will echo in eternity.

Please, Adonai, help me to not lose focus of why I'm here. Amen!


$20,000 for a Piece of Paper

Why does school have to be soo annoying this time of year. I mean, I'm starting to really consider why anyone even goes to college. How much does it cost? Like $20 G's minimum maybe. I could travel in Asia for a decade on that sort of money. Do I really need to spend four, five, or maybe six years of my life to obtain a piece of paper that says I'm credible when comes to the Bible/Theology. Please, I'm just beginning to tap into this keg--the Word. In reality, can anyone really teach you theology? I want to know what "I" believe and why "I" believe it. This is a process that's going to take the better part of a lifetime. But, I'm committed to this journey called life. God has plans, I make choices (some good and some bad). Don't even get me started on Calvinism. I could write an entire book on why I'm not a Calvinist (TULIP head), why I'm not an Arminian, or a Fundy, or a separatist, blah, blah, blah.

I just want to get back to the very basics of why I'm here. The relational aspect of this idea we call the Gospel. The real-life, experiential, spiritual idea that is lived out in everyday situations. God is constantly placing me in situations and testing me to see how I respond. I fail Him soo much it's ridiculous. But, you know what, my heart is sold for Him. I have a passion for people and I just want to represent Him and His cause. This life is soo short. You cannot waste time and I've already wasted too much as is.

I've been frustrated this week because of future plans. I have several ideas out there. I would prefer to go back to Colorado for the summer, but I have to purchase a vehicle (preferably a used Toyota 4Runner, Amen?) due to the fact that my car was totaled back in early September. Anyways, Redcloud is volunteer and I have to save a heckuva lot of cash to pay for my bills, gas, living expenses, etc. while I'm out there. Then, I received an e-mail today from a guy from an organization called LeaderTreks. They do adventure-based wilderness missions trips (exactly what I have a passions for). Those organizations are few and far between. So, I have this opportunity, but it's faith-based. I know that God can and will meet my needs, but I'm so dumb when it comes to trusting Him in regards to finances. So, basically what I'm saying is--I need to get over myself and trust Him completely. "Don't worry about tomorrow, because there are enough worries to deal with today." Like people dying and going to Hell. Ugh, I'm an idiot. I need to MAN Up and show people what Christ can do when I am 100% sold out for Him.

I love you Adonai! May I never forget what You've done for me!


Jesus and Chacos

So, I've been getting a lot of heat lately for wearing chacos in this cold weather that we've been experiencing. Is it really so wrong to wear chacos or any sandals for that matter just because it's cold outside? I cannot help that fact that God blessed me with warm-blooded feet. I don't even wear socks when I'm in my sleeping bag when I go backpacking. My feet love the air. It's all about getting back to the basics. Do you think Jesus would have wore chacos when He was here? I think he would have. They would probably have lasted Him a lot longer than the Romanesque sandals He wore. You see, all the heros of the faith either wore sandals or went bare foot. I know it's sounds like I'm trying to justify the fact that I wear chacos twelve months out of the year, but come on, I am who I am! Amen? So, please, next time you see me and it's cold outside and I'm wearing chacos, let me be! Posted by Picasa


Thanksgiving Eve.

Well, well, it's that time of year again. The Holiday season has arrived. It's time for Turkey, and stuffing, and pumpkin pie and the like. Did you know that the average American gains fifteen pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years? I believe I can attest to that.

Anyways, my sister made it in last night. We hung out today in Fayetteville, WV. I love that town. The only draw-back was that Cathedral Cafe was closed. Bummer!

So, I'm really thankful for my family and friends. When the shiitzer hits the fence, that's all that's left, right?


Discover your Roots!

Okay, so I'm really into this book I've been reading of late--Constantine's Sword. I don't know if it's where I lived in Israel and feed off of Jewish history or just because it's an awesome book and it's rockin' my chacos right off my feet (and yes I still where chacos in the witer--it's good for the soul). Anyways, It's a pretty big and wordy book and I'm just now finishing up the part that deals with New Testament origins of this whole Christian-Jewish conflict. Believe it or not, many of the first century believers were Jewish to the core. People don't realize the history/social context that the gospels were written in. There were numerous internecine battles/conflicts between differing Jewish sects. Christianity at that time was merely a "sect" of Judaism as far as the Roman empire was concerned. So, when the Gospels/Pauline epistles were originally penned, they were written with a polemical purpose in mind. The kerygma that the authors were trying to proclaim was done so in this "Jewish" sectarian controversy in mind. So, when we fail to realize that the "Jews" that killed Jesus were merely written by Jews referring to "Jewish sects" (Essenes, Pharissees, Sadducees, Sacarii, Qumran communities and the like, etc.) there is a "supersessionism" that takes place whereby the "Christians" have replaced the "Jews" and the new has replaced the old, etc. It was never inteneded to be this way. Christianity is merely a fulfillment of Judaism and an extension of the original Jewish faith. Believers today do not know their roots and this is to their shame. How is it that anti-semitism came to the point that six million Jews were annihalated at the hands of Hitler in the Shoah? The whole time this was happening the "Christians" sat back and were silent. But, when it came to 70,000 "Christians" that were in place to be slaughtered by Hitler, they stood up and protested and Hitler refrained. Many believe if the same would have happend in support of the Jews, the Holocaust may have never happend.

So, I challenge you on this point. Study your roots. Find out God's plan for the "church" and his plan for "Israel". Study the history and social context during the writing of the NT. We can only learn from the past and history is always doomed to repeat itself. May we never forget. L'chaim!


Love your brothers...

Do you want to know something that I find very interesting? Fundamentalists are always complaining about how the "communist" countries won't allow Christians in to spread the gospel, but at the same time the Fundy's won't let Christians into their own churches. Yes, I'm talking about the big "s" word--separation. I believe that separation from other believers is a huge weapon that Satan is using in conservative circles these days. Is there a time to differentiate between doctrine and theology, yes. But to the extent to where some can say that God cannot use these brothers and sisters to accomplish His work, I heed not.

Some of my best friends happen to be of differing denominations, mainly charismatic in background. I happen to be evangelical in my theology. Do I separate from my friends and tell them they're not welcome in my home? That would be insidious. I happen to know that my friends love the same God that I love and are preaching the same gospel. We may differ on a few issues, but I'm not going to let that stop me from having fellowship with them.

My school, which I will not mention here, happens to separate from a few very sound and orthodox mission boards. It's their loss! I've always said if they decide to separate from some entity that the entity must be doing something right! Props!

So, with all that said, love your brothers and sisters. Stand firm in what you believe, but please, I beg you, don't think you are any better than they are. It's not worth losing fellowship over! Christianity is already under attack enough as is. We need each other. Where's the love? The ground is level at the foot of the cross, Amen?


Anyone burned out?

It's been a while since I last wrote, far too long to be quite frank. Life has hit that "wall" where it seems as if your going full speed ahead and you know what happens. I believe I am officially "burned out" on school. Has anyone ever figured out why professors always have projects/papers/exams right before breaks? Maybe it's just me, but I'll be blunt--it sucks!

Praise God, my dad got to come home on Saturday. He's doing well and is gradually regaining his strength from the week spent in the hospital. Thanks for all the support in prayer. It is much appreciated.

Man, the Christian life is a tough life to live. Anyone with me on this one? It's really been a struggle of late to stay focused. I don't know if it's where all this went down with my dad or school or work or a combination of all the above. But God never said it would be easy. May we persevere in all that we do, Amen? Well, I'm tired and need to grab some sleep.


Desiring God!

It's been of couple of days since I've last wrote. I spent the last two nights in Charleston with my mom and dad. I do have good news, the heart cath went well. The doctor said that the heart muscle looks strong and that he only has one minor blockage that doesn't require any tending to at this time. He has plenty of blood flow and his heart seems to be in great shape. However, they are still running some tests to figure out why his heart rate drops rapidly at times. He has an appointment to see an electrophysiologist tomorrow. Pray that they can figure out what is as far as that goes.

During my time in Charleston I picked up John Piper's book Desiring God. Although I'm only a couple of chapters into it, I've really enjoyed it thus far. It's been a while since I've read a deep book on theology. The premise of the book is that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." Think about that for a moment. We were created to bring God glory and we bring Him the most glory when we learn to enjoy Him for who He is. This enjoyment will naturally overflow into praise. I know that I don't desire God nearly enough. I allow the distractions of this world to get ahold of me when I should keep my focus on Him. He is the source of all joy. The world may offer temporary happiness, but in light of eternity it is futile. God created us to have a relationship with Him. Without this relationship it is impossible to experience true joy in our life.

Man, what a fall we are having in WV! Amen? I hope it stays as beautiful as it has. Thanks again for all the prayer. I can't thank you enough.


Missions Conference 05

Greetings everyone! Today began our annual missions conference this year at school. The focus or theme this year is China. It appears that China has one of the fastest growing churches in the world. The majority of those that become believers are introduced to the gospel by individuals teaching English. It's amazing how God has opened up opportunities for believers to come into a closed country religiously and openly share their faith.

Missions has definitely always been an interest in my life. I would like to eventually serve in full time missions if that is what God would desire. I know personally that going on short-term missions trips when I was in high school played a vital role in shaping and preparing me for what will hopefully be a lifetime of dedication to God's cause and the gospel. Living in Israel, I have a burden for the Jewish nation, but who knows where or what God has for me. I'm open to go wherever and whenever He wants.

The great commission was not given as an option for believers. It was indeed commanded. That doesn't mean that you have to pack your bags, get on a plane, live in a third world country with little food, water, or indoor plumbing. But, it does mean that you are willing to go regardless of the destination or the duration. The Bible tells us that we are strangers on this earth (nomads) without a home. Even the Lord Himself is stated to have not had a pillow to lay His head on. The more attached, comfortable, and accustomed we become to this earth, the harder it will be to fulfill the Great Commision.

I want to encourage everyone if they are ever given the opportunity to go on a missions trip to live it up. You will never be the same. Begin even now where you're at. God gives us opportunities every day to prove our love for Him. There is a hurting and dying world all around us that is craving for what we have--a relationship with our Creator.

It looks like my dad will be having a heart cath done at 9AM in the morning. Pray that all will go as planned. I'll be headed down in the morning for the duration of the procedure. Thanks for all the prayers and comments. I love you all!!! Posted by Picasa


Faith Without Works is Dead

Apparently the doctor's have changed their minds yet again. It looks like my dad will be having a heart cath done on Tuesday. He's going to have some tests ran on his kidneys tomorrow to see if and how much damage he has due to diabetes. So, other than that, there is no new information to offer at this time. Just continue to pray for him and my family during this time. I'm feeling the stress of everything already. On top of school, work, and church I now have the added responsibility of looking out for things around the house. My mom is stil staying in Charleston, so it's just me at the crib.
We had an interesting discussion in Sunday school this morning regarding the James passage about faith without works being dead. I personally believe that James was written to believers. As far as the salvation of these people that say they have faith but demonstrate no works whatsoever, I don't believe that's for me to decide. I've personally known people that have became believers and just never grown. This is tragic, but the reality is that these people do exist. I think it's a matter of sanctification. Positionally we are already seated with Christ in the heavenlys. Our citizenship is in heaven with Him. But, at the same time, we are still on this earth in our sinful, lust-driven bodies. God is in the process of restoring us back to what we were originally created for. This occurs in many different ways, but the believer must strive and be willing to become more like Him in all they do. We no longer stand condemned before God. He purchased and bought us with a price--His own blood. We are forgiven past, present, and future. Sin is no longer a condition whereby we are commanded to "ask forgiveness". Upon salvation our forgiveness is complete and finished. However, we are commanded to confess our sins or admit to God what we did was against who He is and what He stands for. After we confess, we are to repent or turn away from the sin we were guilty of committing. You see, sin is a matter of fellowship with Him after salvation. The consequences of sin remain the same, but we are secure in our position with God. Our salvation is not based on works.
Faith without works is dead. This is hypocrisy in its plainest form. To an unbelieving world, who would buy that idea of faith? True faith should always produce true works! Separate the two and you have a debased formed of hypocrisy that should be apparent to the believing and unbelieving world alike. So, I ask you this, where do you stand? Let's strive to become more like Christ in all we do.


Thanks for the Prayer

I would like to thank everyone for your prayers regarding the situation with my dad. He had a stress test performed on him early this morning and passed it with flying colors. As of now there is no heart cath planned. He has to see a kidney specialist on Monday because he has mild damage due to his diabetes. Other than that he remains in high spirits. I may try to drive up and see him tomorrow. I'll just have to see. Just continue to pray as my mom is staying in Charleston as well and I tend to the needs here in Beckley around the house. Life is busy with school, church, work, etc. It's a lot for me to keep up with at this time.

My friend Chris and I were able to get out for a bit earlier today for a hike in the Gorge. It was "gorge"ous if you know what I mean. I'll post some more pictures of the hike on here in the next couple of days.Posted by Picasa


Pray for my Abba!

Today was a crazy day to say the least. It started out normal, the usual--wake up, school, lunch, the routine. My friend Chris and I decided to go grab some lunch together and we had an enjoyable time. He drops me off at my house and my mom has this crazy look on her face. The type of look where you know something is wrong. She told me that my dad was in the hospital and they were transporting him to Charleston by ambulance. Wow! That's not something you enjoy hearing right when you walk in the door. Apparently, my dad had this test on him yesterday where he had to wear a heart monitor for twenty-four hours. He's been struggling with high blood pressure for the past two months or so and having severe headaches off and on the past three weeks. He's doing well, in good spirits as always. If all goes as planned he has a heart catherization planned sometime between tomorrow and Monday.

I'm not sure what to make of all this. I know that God is in control, but I would definitely covet everyones prayer in this matter. My dad is a believer and loves Jesus with passion. He definitely means a lot to me in my life and I am concerned for his well being. Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) is one of the best cardiac hospitals in the nation. I'm thankful that it is so close, only an hour away. Pray especially for my mother as well. She is staying in Charleston for now while I stay at home and tend to the needs here.

I'll be sure and keep everyone updated on this whole situation. Oh yeah, the climbing pix I promised everyone can be viewed here http://fotoflix.com/users/expedition0031. Check them out.


Crags and Microbrew...

My day begain at 5:15 AM this morning. I am very tired as I write this, but I wanted to let everyone know that my climbing plans came to fruition today. I enjoyed a solid four hours of climbing at Bubba City in the New River Gorge--three routes total. But, the good news is that I am no longer a virgin when it comes to sport climbing. I successfully led my first sport climb. Name: Microbrew; Rating: 5.5; Bolts: 5. There's no shame in my game. It may not be the most technichal climb in the world, but I did onsight it. I didn't even take a whipper (that would be embarrassing--on a 5.5, yikes). We'll have to see where my climbing career will go from here on. I just wish I had more time to hit the crags. It seems like I'm in college, working, and go to chruch every week. Who knew?

Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed my time out today with friends. Friends are such a blessing from God. Never take them for granted. I never had any brothers growing up, so I consider my closest friends to be brothers to me.

I had an encouraging talk tonight with my good friend Sam. We discussed about our desire to be a better witness to all we meet and come into contact with. It's about taking the time to truly get to know people and see them through Christ's eyes. After all, we the believers are His eyes here on this earth. We are His hands. We are called to represent Him. Now that just blows my Chacos off! Out of everything He could have chosen to represent Him from His creation, He chose us to do the job. That is a High Calling! So, I want to challenge you to do the same. Start to view people not for who they are but for what potential they have in Christ. The bottom line is we longer stand condemned before God. We are forgiven, redeemed, bought back from the slave market of sin. We can only experience true freedom in Christ. We have what the unbelieving world needs and craves. A relationship with our Maker. I pray that I will be faithful in this calling and I hope that you will do the same.

It's late now, but I promised you some climbing pix. I'll upload them to an album and post the link in the near future. Lilah Tov! Posted by Picasa


Blogaholic? Anyone?

Yes, I have been accused of being a blogaholic. I won't mention any names (Gabe), but what's not to love about having your own blog where all your buddies can check in to not only see cool pics, but also read your chronicles of what's going on in your life. So, if you don't have a blog, you need to get one!

I had a good lunch today with one of my good friends, Chris. We went to Subway and got into a fairly good discussion. I will say this unashamedly, I am not a Fundamentalist. When I hear the word it makes me cringe. Why is this? I agree doctrinely with them for the most part, but when it comes to methodology and philosphy of ministry, I believe we're far apart. The Fundamentalist movement I believe was sincere when it was originally conceived. You know, let's get back to the fundamentals of the faith, etc. But somewhere along the line something has gone terribly wrong. They have totally lost and forgotten the fact that there is a relational aspect to the gospel. Rather than taking the time to actually get to know the "lost" and "outcast" of our society, they hand them a track, smile, brush off their suit, get back in their Cadilac or Mercedes, and drive away smiling. Now they have something they can share with everyone back at church during testimony time. All the while, if that very person would walk into their assembly, they would be appalled.

I've worked at a restaurant off and on for five and a half years. If you go into any restaurant and ask the servers the most dreaded shift of the week, I guarantee that most of them will say Sunday morning, and it's not because they're hung over. The "Christians" come in after church and they are some of the rudest people and worst tippers of the entire week. What does this say about "Christianity". Most servers that are not believers will never pick up their Bible or go to church. The very people that should be representing Christ with their lives will run up a $50+ tab, complain about every little detail, leave you a dollar for a tip, and then they have the audacity to leave a track on the table. No wonder Christians leave a sour taste in people's mouths. And this is just one example of many where Christ is blatantly mis-represented to the unbelieving world. If we are to be Christ's ambassador's and reprsent Him and His cause on the earth why are we not fulfilling our purpose? I cannot blame anyone who views Christianity in such a bad light!

I am not perfect and I do love my Fundamentalist brothers, but come on. Where is the love? Where is the compassion? Let's get back to the basics of the gospel--Love Adonai with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. It's that simple!

I should be climbing tomorrow at Summersville Lake if all goes as planned. Hopefully I'll have some pix for everyone.


Once again, a beutiful day here in WV. I'm feeling guilty about complaining about the snow last week. If I only knew what was in store this week. Anyways, the oddest thing happend to me today at school. I go to leave and get into my car and I cannot locate my keys anywhere. I ended up re-tracing every step that I took from the time I arrived until I had decided to leave. Post office, classroom (SC301), library, SubServient Center, Anderson Hall, cafeteria--still no keys. At this point I am just "pissed" at myself. How does someone come to school and loose their keys. Not only did I lose my keys, but I also forgot my cell phone today, so I couldn't even call my mom to let her know what was going on. To make a short story shorter, I gave the post office one more shot. Sure enough, my keys were lying on the counter. Apparently I had left them in my mail box and someone had turned them in. Thanks to whoever found them. You could taken my folk's car for a spin, free of charge.

Here's another picture of the world famous New River Gorge bridge that I took on my hike the other day. If all goes as planned, I'll be climbing in 48 hours. Cross my fingers! Posted by Picasa