
le peep and kinetic canvas

For the first time in quite a while, I have somehow managed to lose major "man" points. I suppose I let my guard down, but it's no excuse. It all began last Sunday after church. Some friends and I decided to go grab some lunch. Seeing how I was graced with the company of three young ladies, we settled on a locale that hales by the name "Le Peep". That should have been a red flag right there. I suppose it's a lame American attempt to cover the likes of French cuisine, but in all honesty I couldn't bring myself to even consider ordering anything off the majority of the menu without sounding moderately gay. Dishes that were named after the likes of "Slick Chic", etc.

[By the way, I just remembered this part, but when I went in to place my name on the wait list, I proclaimed "NORMAN" and the lady abruptly replied "Muhammed". Umm, I've never got that one before. You know Norman is a very French-esque name (unfortunately)...Normandy and the Norman's of the middle ages lived in France]

I decided on ordering the most masculine item I could locate on the menu and proudly proclaimed "I'll take the BACON CHEESEBURGER, please." Now that's man food--greasy and fattening. I know I shouldn't put junk like that in my body, but I couldn't bring myself to order crepes or a "slick chic". I already was praying my boys wouldn't find out about this...

So, that began this onslaught of a downward spiral...

A couple nights ago I received a phone call from a friend iviting me out to a "show" at the local university. So, you know I'm thinking play or drama worse case scenario. It's called the "Kinetic Canvas". We proceed into this hall that looks like an opera house, so I'm thinking I could possibly handle opera for at least thirty seconds, but it get's worse. This is perhaps that most man-point degrading event I've ever attending. It ends up it's an all out "ballet" performance show--tights and all. WOW! Co-ed, no comment.

After the first scene, I slipped out for a restroom break and discovered that they don't allow you back in until the next scene is over. The scene or "pieces" as I discovered they're called take the upwards of fifteen minutes. Salvation! If you ever go to one of these events, men, just slip out conveniently for a "break".

What do I make of all this. I started contemplating what it was like to be out of your "comfort zones". I was slapped with two doses where I felt like I could not function as a true man. But this is perhaps to my demise. Manhood does not exist on where I eat or what shows I go to, but rather its a matter of the heart. Christ went out of His comfort zone's often and eventually went all the way to the cross to bear the sin of the entire world--past, present, and future. However, before His life culminated in His death and resurrection, He was constantly challenging people to go outside of what feels most comfortable. He was even accused of being a drunkard and a "friend" of sinners. You see, being a "man" or a "woman" of God is not determined by image. True men are men after God's own heart. They lead by following Christ's example.

Maybe this last week was God's attempt to humble me in this area of my life. It worked!

That's not to say I'll make a habit of it, I just realized that I need to be willing to go outside my comfort zones to reach the lost as well. So, men, lets take one for the team from time to time and learn what it's like to be men after God's own heart.

Here, here!



"For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live" Romans 8:13

I believe one of the hardest issues to deal with once you become a follower of the Way is the fact that sin still co-exists in your flesh with the Spirit. How is it that we are to deal with this disease or cancer that is always making it's mark in the midst of our calling to be ambassadors of the Most High? Perhaps that's the key--"we" can't deal with it, but by God's grace through His Spirit we are able to declare war on our flesh. I've recently been going through a book I picked up entitled "The Mortification of Sin" by a Puritan author named John Owen. This book happens to be a 176 page book on this very issue dealing with the verse afore mentioned.

"Be killing sin, or it will be killing you." The more I meditate on this issue the more it begins to become more clear, yet more complicated all in the same regard. You see, it is the duty of all believers to declare war on our flesh. Make war! Think on this for a moment. It is during time of war that all senses are heightened. When you realize that the enemy is real and the threats are fatal, you tend to question each and every move--pre-meditated or planned. Wars involve strategy and planning, but it also requires vigilance and training. The battles against the flesh are won in the mind by the Spirit. In the words of Owen, "Indwelling sin always abides whilst we are in this world; therefore it is always to be mortified." We cannot escape the reality that sin will always make itself available and known through our flesh until "that which is mortal is swallowed up by life." Christ has achieved the victory of "sin" and "death" with His atoning death on the tree in my place. His righteousness has been credited to my account and my sin was credited to His account and the penalty has been paid in full based on my belief and faith that I cannot do it on my own, but need a Savior to intercede on my behalf to appease the wrath of a Holy God whose standard is nothing less than unadulterated holiness. I have a righteouseness that is not my own just as Christ conquered my sin that was not His.

Fortunately, Chirist has given us the gift of His Spirit to combat this evil force sin. It is through the Spirit that victory may be achieved in this life. It is a matter of the mind and it must be in connection with the Spirit. Sin must be destroyed at the root. For if you spend all your time worrying about specific sins or struggles, you may never get to the root of the issue.

So, brothers and sisters, I ask that you join me in this declaration of war on this entity we call sin. Put on the Spirit as we seek to be killing sin, or sin will be killing us. Stand firm!

Link to a great song that goes along with this idea: